C/C++ Development
Embedded Software Architectures
- Simple Control Loop
- Interrupt-controlled System
- Cooperative Multitasking
- Preemptive Multitasking and Multi-threading
(FreeRTOS,ThreadX…) - Micro and Exokernels
(QNX,VxWorks,ChorusOS) - Monolithic Kernels
(Windows Mobile/CE,Embedded Linux)
- Firmware
- Drivers, Board Support Packages
- Multimedia Software
- Desktop Apps and Utilities
- SDKs
Application Areas
- Firmware/Software for Gadgets and Devices
- Digital Imaging and Graphics
- Networking Solutions
- Industrial Automation
Proven Technology Experience
APTILabs Embedded Software Development team boasts years of active application of their C/C++ skills and is assembled of long-time low-level software engineering veterans and young technology talent with proven programming capabilities:
High-performance Computing
Parallel Computing
Working side-by-side with NVIDIA, our long-standing technology partner, we couldn’t miss the chance of digging into the company’s cutting-edge invention — CUDA®, a parallel computing platform and programming model. Since the onset of the technology, we’ve been honing our skills in parallel computing to enable high speed parallel calculations of massive data building on the power of CUDA-enabled GPUs.
Face Recognition
We also feel at home with such high-performance computing technologies as the OpenCL framework and the OpenCV library of programming functions that provide support for software executing across CPU and GPU driven platforms. They are highly instrumental in implementing application programs with advanced real-time face detection, recognition, and person identification by gender, age and ethnicity, whether we’re processing a static image or a moving object captured in a video. Our specialists will make sure the hardware environment underlying the complex software solution is robust enough to provide reliable, speedy, and fault-tolerant operation of the resulting system.
Spurring Technological Advances
Our team’s experience in high-performance computing encompasses exemplary and endurable programming contributions resulting in the development of high caliber devices, utilities, and systems that signify notable technological advances in the industry. Some of the examples include billboard tracking system with optical flow calculation and camera motion estimation; CUDA-powered drawing simulator; smartphone camera with built-in face detection and image post-processing; mobile face recognition POC software, and more.
Strong Foothold in Networking and Communication Technologies
Our engineers demonstrate profound knowledge and skills in widely deployed communication technologies and their respective message encoding techniques, including Wi-Fi, IR, GPS, RFID, Bluetooth, and more. Some of our software engineering experts were instrumental in creating technological novelties that have set new standards for achieving higher performance in real-time communication. Thus we were involved in the development of EtherCAT, a fieldbus technology enabling automation applications to achieve shorter data update times, lower communication jitter, and decrease in hardware costs.